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The Basics of Keira Hair Extensions

Writer's picture: Cassie HemsworthCassie Hemsworth

If you are looking for hair extensions, the jargon words may sound a bit daunting, especially if you are new to it.

"Set, 2-clip, 3-clip, and 4-clip," are just some of the basic terms you might want to know when buying Keira Hair Extensions.

But fret not, we do not need a whole book of lingo for you to learn; just a few words and phrases that could help you understand more about the product you intend to buy: clip on hair extensions.

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Lynelle Hair's Limited Edition: REMY COLLECTION


Clip on hair extensions is a type of hair extensions that uses "clips" to attach unto your own hair. Hair Extensions has many types including semi-permanent hair extensions, stick hair extensions, and tape hair extensions.

Their basic job is to lengthen your hair, add volume, or both.

Clip on hair extensions are the most popular among all the types of hair extensions as they are very easy to attach, and maintain on your own.

Lynelle Hair Fashion has its own brand of hair extensions: Keira Hair Extensions. It is available in sets, and individual pieces namely 2-clip, 3-clip, and 4-clip.

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2-clip Keira Hair Extensions


It is an individual piece of Keira Hair Extensions with 4 inches width and is attached using 2 pieces of clips.

It is usually used on the left and right sides of your hair, attached near the ears.

A few pieces of the 2-clip hair extensions in one or two shades lighter than your hair can also give you the "highlights" effect, without you needing to color your hair with drying bleaches.

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3-clip Keira Hair Extensions


It is an individual piece of Keira Hair Extensions with 6 inches width, and is attached using 3 pieces of clips.

It is usually used on the back of the head due to its wide coverage.

Few pieces of the 3-clip hair extensions can already give your desired hair volume. Or it can also work as highlights so you will no longer need to color your hair.

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4-clip Keira Hair Extensions


This is the widest of all the individual pieces of hair extensions. It has 8 inches width, and is attached to our hair using 4 pieces of clips.

Extending from one ear to another, it can give volume using 1 to 2 pieces of 4-clip.

Although it can be used to achieve long lengths of hair, using a set is much more recommended.

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Set of Keira Hair Extensions


A set of Keira Hair Extensions includes 4 pieces of 2-clip and 2 pieces of 3-clip.

It is also known as "full head set" because a set can already give you a fuller hair look. A person may need varying quantities of hair extensions depending on their current hair length, thickness, and volume, and the style that they want to achieve. If for example you want to achieve long lengths of hair, you may want to purchase a full head set. Then you can always add a few individual pieces if you think that a full head set is not enough for your hair.

If you are aiming just for the volumized look, you can get a few individual pieces that are the same length and color with your hair.

A set is more recommended for achieving long lengths of hair, as you can evenly distribute the hair extensions, as opposed to the 4-clip hair extensions.


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